Module 2

Welcome to module 2!

Congratulations on making it to module 2! We hope you’ve learned something about making your Facebook and Instagram profiles more impressionable. Now let’s talk about module 2!

In the second module we will deepen the functionality of LinkedIn. We will learn how and what video curriculum is and we will try to understand how to best use these two tools to find a job.


LinkedIn offers some advice on converting your profile into a job magnet! The first piece of advice breaks down the process of discovering jobs and successfully applying to them. The 2nd resource is a short presentation covering some detail and will guide you well on your journey to optimising the use of the networking platform.

The third LinkedIn source here is a checklist for your job searches. Quite a thorough list, it covers a range of interesting pieces of knowledge and things you need to do to optimise your results.

LinkedIn Tips & Tricks

Below, a brief introduction to managing you LinkedIn profile to get the best return from it. Kyle Tells you all about what to do and what NOT to do in order to boost your gain from the platform!

Continue to Module 3

Well done, you’ve seen all of the content from Module 2. There’s a lot to know and you’re well on your way to learning it all. When you’re ready, move on to Module 3.